You know, for ages I kinda thought I was the kid troubled, the misfit the stupid the one that just didn't get it. Then I took the liberty of expanding my mind, to get to know of similar kind, to make me to promise me open up my eyes, to gimme a way to realize that the path here may be less traveled, the trinkets, odd clocks far less acquired, but a people there, a people here we agreed to meet up where we'd care up on our kins, party with filled up ale skins and promise to never stop to go forth and learn a lot of how to care of our kin kind and do of things grand and fine to build upon the things ever great a thing or two of great strength to carry on the words a far about love, about caring heart.
I'm a programmer. I'm a father, a husband. Vegetarian. Eco-anarchist of sort. I live to make people happy, I live to understand what there's around us that makes it so hard for us.
There is a chance that I love you, greater that I would not.
You can drop me a mail to address heimojuh ( at ) gmail dot com. I'm also at twitter, and go by moniker Evilbubu.
Peace, out. Juha.